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Local Blockchain Experts Share Ideas on How Technology Can Help Non-Profits Improve Our World

[Cleveland, OH] – Leading Hands Through Technology and The Workmen's Circle Educational Center - Ohio District (WCEC), both Cleveland-based non-profit organizations will present an interactive and educational conference on "Blockchain for a Better World: How Non-Profits Can Successfully Apply Blockchain" on Thursday, October 17, 2019, at the Parma-Snow Branch of Cuyahoga County Public Library, at 2121 Snow Road, Parma, OH 44134.

For more information on the event, including a link to registration, please visit: Blockchain for a Better World

The event, supported by the Better World Division (Social Action Committee) of WCEC, is free and open to the public. Advanced registration is required due to limited seating. The event's keynote speaker is Amy Neumann, a social good fanatic, striving world changer, and entrepreneur, speaking on “Blockchain for Nonprofits and Social Impact: How Can We Use It Right Now?” Amy founded a startup nonprofit called Free Tech for Nonprofits in 2017 and is CEO of the social enterprise consultancy Good Plus Tech, with a focus on emerging technologies like blockchain and artificial intelligence for social impact. In 2018 Amy published a Simon and Schuster book, “Simple Acts to Change the World: 500 Ways to Make a Difference,” as a tribute to social good, social justice, and volunteering ideas gathered over two decades in the space. In addition to our keynote, a panel of local experts will share experiences and best practices. Join Leon Wilson, Chief of Digital Innovation & Chief Information Officer of the Cleveland Foundation, Lorraine Schuchart, Founder and CEO of Prosper for Purpose, Michael Hudak, Project Manager at BlueBridge Networks, and Randy Cole, Exec VP & Chief Solutions Officer of Ownum. The event also features a networking session with demos and information tables. Light refreshments will be served. Full participation in "Blockchain for a Better World: How Non-Profits Can Successfully Apply Blockchain" is applicable for 2.0 points in Category 1.B – Education of the CFRE International application for initial certification and/or recertification.

For information about the event, visit:

For information about Leading Hands Through Technology, visit:

For information about The Workmen's Circle Educational Center - Ohio District, visit:

For information about CFRE (Certified Fund Raising Executive(R)) International, visit:


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