We had 35 bands contribute a Bob Dylan cover to our charity compilation albums last year. The public vote is open until December 31 to decide on what artist we cover for next year's compilation as well as what pressing local issue we raise money for. The artist options include AC/DC, Prince, Rihanna, and No Doubt/Gwen Stefani. Vote at clevelandverses.org/vote. Our mission is to provide an outlet for local musicians to help their community using their talents. Every stream/download from our compilations as well as sales of local band merch from our online marketplace has raised money for local artists and venue employees in need throughout the pandemic. Clevelanders can now choose if we raise money for Human Trafficking, Domestic Violence, Drug Addiction, or Homelessness in 2022. Cleveland Verses is a 501(c)(3) non-profit started by local band The Modern Electric.
The Modern Electric's Annual Northcoast Christmas concert returns this year on December 23 at the Beachland Ballroom. Hollin Kings and J. Wolfe are opening. $12 in advance and $14 at the door. Doors 7:30pm. Gonna be a blast!
Cleveland Verses www.clevelandverses.org
The Modern Electric www.themodernelectric.com