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Sweet September Spinners


My name is Lisa Kacvinsky and I run a small business called Sweet September Spinners. I make and sell fiber arts which include hand spun and hand dyed yarn, woven decor pieces, garments and blankets that I crochet or knit. The company name stems from a friendship I established when I was living in Montana, but I'm certainly a Cleveland girl with the classic hardworking ethos that our city is known for. Some of the items I sell have/will have Cleveland or northeastern Ohio-inspired names. For the remainder of June, I am running a 2016 Champs sale on everything currently available in my shop.

I started the business both to help support myself financially and to have an outlet for my creativity. I've been making arts and crafts in one way or another since I was in Girl Scouts. Now that I'm an adult, I make crafts to help cope with several chronic illnesses I have. After receiving rave reviews for baby blankets I made as gifts, I decided to hang out my shingle as a fiber artist. My items are available online at and I'll be making the holiday craft show rounds later this year.

Besides crafting, I work in a Level 2 Trauma Center on the city's west side. I am a Certified Compassion Fatigue Resiliency Educator offering training and assistance to local rescue squads,I am an Usui Reiki Master, I drink way too much coffee and I have a 3 legged cat.

I can be found on the interwebs at

Twitter: @SweetSeptSpin

Instagram: SweetSeptemberSpinners

Pinterest on the way!

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